Chat System

When using the in-game chat system it's important to remember that there are separate channels.

You'll notice in chat that players have different tags in front of their character's name. This is the role that player has in roleplay, this could be anything from Grade 12 Student, School Teacher to something completely different like a Police Officer; all of which can be applied for under Character Applications on the forums.

The Chat Format includes the sending player's Minecraft Username or Nickname, Character Role, Character Name, and speech or action.

OOC means Out-Of-Character

IC means In-Character

Some chat channels are ranged, meaning you cannot see some messages unless you're within range of the sending player and vice-versa.

Default Chat

The default Minecraft chat is an In-Character channel which should only be used for Roleplaying. By typing the word sentence "Hello" in chat, you would be speaking as your character.

Default chat has a range of 15 blocks.

Out-Of-Character Channels

Local Out-Of-Character (LOOC)

You can speak to players within a 15 block radius Out-Of-Character, meaning any messages in this channel is not roleplay. You can type in this channel by using /looc [message].

Out-Of-Character (OOC)

You can speak to any player in Out-Of-Character by using the command /ooc [message]. This channel is global and does not have a range.

You can turn this channel off by using /ooc without a message.

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