Character Creation

Before you can start roleplaying, you should create your Character. There's a few things you must keep in mind before creating your character:

  • Your character must be human.

  • Your character must have a realistic appearance.

  • Your character cannot be shorter than 4'5" or taller than 6'5".

  • Your character must be unique, they can't be a celebrity or existing character.

Roleplay Name

Firstly, you'll need a first and last name for your character. You'll do this with the command /rpname.

If you're having trouble choosing your own Roleplay Name, try using an online Name Generator.

Your Roleplay Name is what other players will see above your head.

Character Description

Next, you'll need to think about your character's appearance which you'll set using /setdesc. You can include things like:

  • Your character's height.

  • Your character's hair colour and style.

  • Your character's eye colour.

  • Your character's scent.

  • Any Jewellery your character wears.

Or anything else others would see when looking at your character...

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