Highschool Teacher

New Teachers are always welcome at Karakura Highschool. As a teacher, the player is tasked with educating other players in entertaining ways during allotted class times throughout the school day. As a teacher, the base pay is ¥350,000, and the max pay is ¥500,000 per month. Upon joining the faction, Unqualified Teachers are given an introduction and training, then afterward can begin hosting classes! You can learn more by reading on, and can apply with the link below!

Click here to apply for Highschool Teacher

What teachers do in roleplay?

Teachers are tasked with entertaining players during school hours, so it's important to plan your lessons to be both fun and interesting. Teachers must be able to host their own classes, which include their own lesson plans, fun activities that relate to their subject, or field trips around the city! Before hosting classes, however, teachers must wait for the faction lead to host an introduction to help ease them into the role. This is the time where they ask their faction lead any questions or concerns about the position. Adding onto these duties, teachers have a caretaking role in the school. They must ensure that the school rules are being abided by, and if not, they will give warnings or detentions to the students who violate the rules. Teachers are also able to participate in school events, such as school dances, faculty parties, school dances, and more! While they are not directly overseeing them, teachers are encouraged to interact with all students, highschool and college in general. To reach quota for the month, teacher’s must accomplish a total of 10 classes in the month for the minimum. The maximum amount depends on the faculty ranking, where Unqualified and Newly Qualified teachers must reach 25 classes to achieve the max, while Qualified teachers and Head of Departments only need to reach 20.

What are the rules of being a teacher?

As stated earlier, teachers are not able to host classes until they undergo their introduction by their faction lead. Highschool teachers are meant to be idols for students, meaning that they must remain professional and mature at all times while on the job. As representatives of the faction and the faculty as a whole, they should behave as adults. Teacher classes should be more relaxed and entertaining to keep the player base interested in attending classes. Interactive classes are encouraged, as players should be having fun while interacting with the class.

What are the rankings within the faction?

  • A UT is an Unqualified Teacher

  • An NQT is a Newly Qualified Teacher

  • A QT is a Qualified Teacher

  • A HD is a Head of Department

What subjects are able to be taught?

There are a total of 8 subjects to choose from when becoming a teacher. Each of these subjects has their own sub categories which are able to be taught as a teacher. While each teacher is not bound by these categories, they should try to incorporate them in their lessons. Each department is able to have their own Head of Department, to which teachers of that subject may speak to. These subjects are:

  • Mathematics

  • English

  • Art

  • Design Technology (Textiles, Graphic Design, Culinary)

  • Performing Arts (Drama, Dance, Music)

  • Physical Education (Sports, Health Science)

  • Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)

What if I want to switch departments?

As a teacher, you may request to switch departments by putting in a reduced application for the position. Before doing so, clarify this to the Teacher Lead and check the roster to be sure that positions are open. If you are a Qualified Teacher of Head of Department, they may request a department change from the Teacher Lead without the need for an application.

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