Student Council

What is the Council?

The council is a student-body that consist of councillors. They handle events and act as a pseudo-authority that keeps order amongst the students and ensuring school-time runs as smoothly, as possible.

What does Council do?

Council's main tasks and focus is the creation of events pertaining towards the student-body. They also act as a figure to guide students into their academics in the most efficient way possible. Also, they act as a effective representative of students for complaints, requests or general communication.

Council is charge of enforcing authority and rules within the school grounds and providing a safe space for students, such as giving or hosting detention. They also frequently host activities or events for the student-body.

How do I become a council member?

You can apply towards the Highschool Council or College Council through the Student Related Applications in the Character applications section:

It is also important to follow the format provided for when you're applying:

Last updated